Tuesday, October 6, 2009

second spring! some updates

Botanical Garden and a few Cadillac Photos
yep, i'm pretty sure this naked woman has a lamb wrapped around her shoulders.

One of the prettiest green spaces in Buenos Aires!
The Lasdon of Buenos Aires. Today I went to the free botanical garden in Palermo. Its only a 10 block walk and its a nice wooded sanctuary away from the noisy city.
This is one of the fields we have practice/games at in Bosque Palermo.
This is the only picture I have of me from the game. #71!

First of all, I have no idea how it got to be October. I am officially halfway done with my semester of school in Buenos Aires. I am on Spring Break right now. For the past few days I've been relaxing, playing some frisbee and hanging out in parks. The Botanical Garden in Palermo is a really beautiful and relaxing place filled with little paths, statues, gardens and tons and tons of stray cats. Spring really is coming here full force, I've already developed a sun burn (which makes me look even more like a gringo). I can't believe it is fall in the U.S. and I'm missing the leaves change. Oh well, Second Spring is pretty great too!

Spring Break plans:
I'm headed to Cordoba tomorrow night for a frisbee tournament and Oktoberfest in the town of Belgrano. Belgrano is a really weird german, possibly nazi, town in the sierra mountains of Cordoba.

Tips of the Week:
1. I am pretty sure every 3rd tree in any given park in Buenos Aires has been peed on...today.
seriously, i was in the park today for maybe 20 minutes and saw three men pee on three different trees.
2. It is not always okay to sit on grass, in fact sometimes its quite frowned upon.
A few weeks ago I was sitting on the lawn of a plaza filled with benches when out of nowhere comes a woman decked out in a fanny pack and whistle to escort me of the grass. so many things in this country make no sense

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